Thursday, November 29, 2018

Completed another dice bag of my own creation

I completed this dice bag for my nephew for Christmas. This was a fun and quick project, took about an hour.

 Here is the pattern:

Using worsted weight yarn and an H crochet hook

Ch 36, slip stitch into the first ch to make a loop.

Row 2-10 sc all stitches in the round.

Row 11-15 hdc all stitches in the round

Row 16-17 sc all stitches in the round

Row 18 *ch 3, skip 3 sc, sc 3. Repeat from * for the round

Row 19-20 sc all stitches until you get back to beginning of round, slip stitch into first stitch to finish.

Sew bottom and weave in ends.


Ch 75

Row 2 sc or hdc all stitches (hdc shown in picture)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dice bag

I finished this dice bag for my son. It was done in Candy Drops, color Blueberry, using an H hook. The pattern is on Ravelry. It was a lot of fun to make, however the next one I make will be smaller.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Cemetery floral arrangements

So I did these floral arrangements for my sisters' graves. They turned out really nice. My mom is really happy with them. I do all the arrangements for my family's cemetery plots. I lost my first sister when she was 4 and I was 2. My second sister was 23 and died of a heroin overdose. I miss them both this time of the year.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

First amigurumi done

I finished it and it was a lot of fun! I can't wait to do my next one, the incredible hulk. There are some flaws, but with it being my first one, I think that is acceptable. Hope you all like it.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Coming along...

My amigurumi bunny is coming along nicely. Finished up the body and legs today. All I have left to do is the arms and ears. I think it is pretty cute. The arthritis in my hand is acting up, so it is definitely taking me longer to finish than it should take. This has been a really fun project. I can't wait to start on my next one, the incredible hulk for my nephew.

Friday, November 16, 2018


My first amigurumi project is a bunny by HappyBerry. It is coming along ok. The head is a little crooked. I just started on the body tonight. I have to say it is a lot of fun crocheting this little girl. It is for my niece. I plan on making her an amigurumi doll with clothes for her birthday.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Soap Sock Pattern

Hook: H (5.0mm)

Yarn: I used Peaches 'n Cream cotton yarn, but you can use any cotton yarn.

Chain 33 stitches

Row 1 dc in 3rd ch from hook, *skip 2 ch, 1 sc and 1 dc in next ch; repeat from * across ending with skip 2 ch, 1 sc in last chance. Ch 2 turn.

Row 2 dc in first sc, *skip dc, sc and dc in next sc; repeat from * across, ending with 1 sc in the top of turning chain. Ch 2, turn.

Repeat Row 2 for pattern until it measures 7".

Chain 8 more stitches after the chain 2 on your last row. Loop and sc it into the 2nd to last stitch. Not and leave enough yarn to sew. 

Fold piece in half length wise and whip stitch around the outer edge. Sew in ends.


So I've recently dove back into crocheting. It's been about 5 years, so I started again with my own pattern of a soap sock. I made it for my mom for Christmas. I'm really happy with how it turned out. I will be posting the pattern soon.

I am really interested in amigurumi. I am going to start the amigurumi bunny, by happyberry, soon for my niece for Christmas.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Another hat

Again I am knitting a Hogsmeade Hat. This has to be my all time favorite hat pattern. I am knitting this one for my son who is coming to visit me the week following Thanksgiving. I wanted to have something nice for him that is useful for a 15 year old and I thought this would be perfect for this winter.

Starting a bunny lovey

So far I have completed the blanket part of the bunny lovey for my new niece, Lennon.  It is a granny square with a picot border. I used Pr...